1. SEZ Notification Gazette August 2014

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2. JNPA SEZ Sanction proposed Landuse

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3. JNPA SEZ Sanctioned Development Control and Promotion Regulations 2020

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4. JNPA SEZ Handbook for Unit Holder/ Co-developer 2022

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5. Permission Process for any development in JNPA-SEZ

The process for permission of any development in JNPA-SEZ has three stages:

1. Stage I - Development Permission & Commencement Certificate

2. Stage II - Plinth completion

3. Stage III - Part/Full Occupancy

Development Permission (Stage I)

If the Development Permission Application is not submitted in the prescribed format as given by JNPA SEZ or is not accompanied with any of the requisites, JNPA-SEZ will reject the application.

The Unit Holder/Co-Developer has to submit the two sets of drawings to JNPA SEZ (planning cell) and another set to Chief Fire Officer for obtaining provisional fire NOC through Chief Architect and Planner, SEZ. After scrutinizing both the sets of drawings, if any deviations found in the proposal, the scrutiny remarks will be informed by the authority for necessary revision.

The Unit Holder/Co-Developer has to pay the Scrutiny Fees, Security deposit, development charges and Labour Cess and shall submit the receipts of the payments

After obtaining the development permission and Commencement Certificate, the Unit Holder/Co-Developer can start excavation, barricading and structural work on site after giving an intimation of start of work in the prescribed format. Unit Holder/Co-Developer can also request for the logistic area on leave and license basis and can start material procurement.

Unit Holder/Co-Developer shall submit documents and drawings as listed in Table 1 below for Development Permission:

Table 1: List of Documents and Drawings required for Development Permission

Sr No. Name of Document / Drawings Requirements
1. Application Development Permission (Form No.01 as given in JNPA-SEZ DCPR)

On the letterhead of the Unit Holder/CoDeveloper with stamp and sign of the Unit Holder/Co-Developer

2. Provisional Fire NOC

Unit Holder/Co-Developer shall obtain Provisional Fire NOC from JNPA SEZ Fire Department at the time of Development Permission.

3. Lease Deed True/ attested Copy
4. Copy of Co-developer Agreement

Co-Developer shall submit true/ attested Copy before grant of Development Permission

5. Copy of Board of approval OR LOA from Development Commissioner SEEPZ Co-Developer/Unit Holder shall submit true/attested copy of LOA before grant of Development Permission

Possession Receipt and Demarcation


True/ attested Copy
7. Demarcation of Plot Site Photographs
8. Common undertaking True/ attested Copy, On 100 Rs. Stamp paper

Form for appointment of Architect

(Form No.02 as given in JNPA-SEZ DCPR)

On the letterhead of the Unit Holder/CoDeveloper with stamp and sign of the Unit Holder/Co-Developer
10. Form for acceptance by Architect (Form No.03 as given in JNPA-SEZ DCPRs)

On the letterhead of the Architect with

stamp and sign of the Architect Along with its COA certificate

11. Form for supervision (Registered Architect) (Form No.04 as given in JNPASEZ DCPR)

On the letterhead of the Architect with

stamp and sign of the Architect attested copy of valid COA certificate


Form for appointment of Structural

Engineer (Form No.05 as given in JNPA-SEZ DCPR)

On the letterhead of the Unit Holder/CoDeveloper with stamp and sign of the Unit



Form for Acceptance by Structural

Engineer(Form No.06 as given in JNPA-SEZ DCPR)

On the letterhead of the Structural Engineer with stamp and sign of the Structural Engineer along with its registration certificate

14. Form for Supervision (Structural Engineer)(Form No.07 as given in JNPA-SEZ DCPR)

On the letterhead of the Structural

Engineer with stamp and sign of the Structural Engineer

15. Copy of Letter of LOA as issued by the Development Commissioner SEEPZ True/ attested Copy
16. Co-Developer Agreement with JNPA-SEZ(as Applicable) True/ attested Copy
17. Scrutiny Fees Receipt of fees paid
18. Security deposit Receipt of fees paid
19. Development charges Receipt of fees paid
20. Labour cess Receipt of the cess paid
21. Fire protect fund Receipt of fees paid
22. Consent to establish from MPCB True/ attested Copy
23. Provisional Fire NOC Original copy
24. Scrutiny sheet/Form duly filled up and signed Original copy
25. Four sets of Approval Drawing (As per the Format prescribed in Annexure IV) With sign and stamp of the Unit Holder/CoDeveloper and architect


Process flow from Development Permission till OC from JNPA SEZ-SPA

Commencement Certificate

At the time of Development Permission Commencement Certificate must be obtained by the Unit Holder/Co-Developer

Intimation of Commencement of Construction

After obtaining the Development Permission and Commencement Certificate (up to Plinth), the Unit Holder/Co-Developer and the Architect for the building shall notify the Competent Authority their intention to commence the construction at least 7 working days prior to commencing construction by filing an Intimation of Commencement of Construction in the format prescribed in form no. 11.

On receipt of the Intimation of Commencement of Construction from the Unit Holder/Co-Developer and the Architect, it shall be the duty of the Competent Authority, if found necessary, to check and convey decision within 7 days to the Unit Holder/Co-Developer accordingly for compliance. If no communication is made by the Competent Authority, the Unit Holder/Co-Developer can commence the work after expiry of 7 days.

Plinth Completion Certificate (Stage II)

The Unit Holder/Co-Developer after completion of construction up to plinth shall intimate the Competent Authority in the format prescribed in JNPA-SEZ DCPRForm No. 12.

The Application shall have to be duly signed/ stamped by the Unit Holder/CoDeveloper and accompanied with Progress Certificates of Plinth Stage of Architect.

Also, along with application Unit Holder/Co-Developer has to submit Drawings Signed stamped by architect showing actual extend of the plinth, dimensions of plinth, CoOrdinates, levels and plot boundary wall, Photographs of board erected and plinth completed.

Upon receipt of such an Application, Building Permission Division JNPA-SEZ shall visit the site for inspection. Once verified that the construction on site is as per the Approved plans Plinth Completion Certificate shall be issued to the Unit Holder/CoDeveloper.

Revised Development Permission

If there is a change in floor plans, parking arrangement, approved BUA, number of floors or any other major change during construction of building and before applying for Occupancy Certificate then the Unit Holder/Co-Developer will have to apply and obtain Revised Development Permission from the Competent Authority following due procedure of Development Permission and Commencement Certificate.

Part OC/ Occupancy Certificate (Stage III)

The Unit Holder/Co-Developer shall apply for Occupancy Certificate as per the format prescribed in the JNPA-SEZ DCPR Form No. 11. The Unit Holder/CoDeveloper shall submit the As Built Architectural Drawings and verify the Approved BUA with the as built BUA. No Occupancy in the Building shall be allowed without obtaining Part OC / Occupancy Certificate.

After completion of the building project in all respects as per the sanctioned plans and on receipt of the Application for Occupancy Certificate along with the drawings and documents by the Unit holder/C0-Developer as given in Table 2, JNPA-SEZ will inspect the building works. Once JNPA-SEZ is satisfied that the executed work is as per the sanctioned plans, fulfils all requirements/instructions issued during construction and that all the necessary certifications are in place, it shall recommend the proposal to the Competent Authority for grant of Occupancy Certificate. The Competent Authority may grant or reject the Occupancy Certificate.

Table 2: List of documents and drawings for Part / Occupancy Certificate

Sr. No. Name of Document / Drawings Requirements
1. Application for Part /Occupancy Certificate

Stamp and Sign of the Unit


2. Form for indemnity for grant of Part OC/ Occupancy certificate(Form No.16 as given in JNPA-SEZ DCPR)

True/ attested Copy, On Rs.

500/-Stamp paper

3. Form for completion certificate(Form No.14 as given in JNPA-SEZ DCPR) Stamp and Sign of the Architect
4. Certificate of stability of structure (Form No.17 as given in JNPA-SEZ DCPR) Stamp and Sign of the Structural Engineer
5. Final Fire NOC for Part OC / Occupancy Certificate Unit Holder/Co-Developer shall obtain Final Fire NOC from JNPA SEZ Fire Department at the time of Part OC/Occupancy Certification
6. Copy of Development permission, Commencement Certificate and plinth completion certificates Issued by JNPA SEZ-SPA
7. Tree Plantation List of trees with number and species planted with photograph
8. Hard copies of as built architectural drawings Stamp and Sign of the Unit Holder/Co-Developer and Architect
9. NOC from Relevant Departments:  
a) Chief Inspector of Lift (if applicable) Lift License
b) Water connection from JNPA SEZ Copy of agreement
c) Chief Electrical Inspector Certificate for charging transformer
d) Valid Copy of Letter of Allotment/PLOA as issued by the Development Commissioner SEEPZ True/ attested Copy
e) Consent to Operate from MPCB True/ attested Copy

6. Forms For Development permission

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