Sale Plan of JNPA-SEZ                                                                                                                                                                                                              Brochure            


Key Steps to Begin Development in JNPA-SEZ

E-Tender cum E-Auction process
The land allotment for 60 years lease is done through E-Tender cum E-auction process (paperless process). JNPA invites proposal from interested investors for setting up unit/codeveloper within JNPA SEZ. To initiate the allotment process, JNPA releases RFP including details of plots with advertisement (in national newspapers and by uploading the document on JNPA website and CPP portal)

Letter of Intent (LOI) for SEZ area
LOI means the Letter of Intent issued by JNPA respectively to a party/Investor/Unit for allotment of plot tentatively within 7 days from the approval of the competent authority to highest E-Auction bid. The letter is issued mainly mentioning –
i. The specify exact area and the exact upfront lease premium which is to be paid by the Investors/units
ii. Payment Schedule for Plot
iii. Timelines for obtaining approval, completion of payment and use of plot.
iv. Co-Developer Agreement for SEZ area- JNPA SEZ is developer of SEZ area. Hence, for large plots investors in JNPA SEZ area the Co-Developer Agreement is executed between the Developer and Co-Developer after LOI.

Letter of Approval (LOA) for SEZ area
The unit holder to whom LOI is issued has to obtain Letter of Approval (LOA) from the Development Commissioner, SEEPZ, SEZ, Mumbai within 90 days from the date of receipt of LOI. Following is the address of DC, SEEPZ, Mumbai:
SEEPZ-Special Economic Zone Govt. of India,
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Andheri (East),
Mumbai 400 096
Tel.: 022-28294735

Co- developer will have to execute Co-development agreement with JNPA SEZ. Subsequently, obtain permission from Board of Approval, MoC&I, GoI.

Payment of upfront lease premium has to be made as per the terms mentioned in the LOI but in any case before –
❖ Execution of Lease deed and
❖ Possession of the plot